
If you expected a happy ending you haven't been paying attention.

So, I thought the story was always about no happy endings, and that life is a struggle that most of us lose. But, maybe we were watching different shows.

I don't think many people would be able to live with the guilt of what they did and what he couldn't stop.

Hmm, have you ever loved someone and hated someone at the same time? Seems pretty common in families, just taken to an extreme here.

Dude, GRRM was a hippie Vietnam war protester. The whole point of this story is good people do horrible things like America did in Vietnam. Playing the game of thrones means becoming a monster.

If you think D&D made Dany a mad queen without following GRRMs lead on this plot point ... you the one that’s crazy.

In the books, there is no leader of the “others” aka the white walkers. There is an historic figure called the “Night King” but he was a commander of the Night’s watch, and historic, not alive during the books. And, not a white walker.

The Lord of Light is not like Christianity. GRRM says its based (has the closest match) to Zoroastrianism and the Cathars. The faith of the seven is the most like the Roman Catholics.