
And yet...the majority of voters didn’t vote for him.

By luck with an archaic and broken system and was made with 13 states in mind, not 50. Not saying the electoral college needs to go but it needs to be seriously revamped if someone can lose so badly in the voice of the people but with do to technically.

At least he’s not saying we were all paid to do this. I’m out $50 - wine, a child’s decorating kit, and $30 parking. I sacrifice all for the #resistance.

I have some bad news for ya, “Roddy”.

That’s because the three million additional people who voted for Hillary weren’t correctly spread out geographically . On the popular vote, he lost bigly.

That fact doesn’t make him the popular choice. That makes him the choice that was gerrymandered in. As a republican, I know this as fact. Why don’t you?

Yes he did and that doesn’t mean we have to like it and not do everything in our power to block this illegitimate person.

It is actually not that funny at all. Frankly, it is pretty much the worst joke the founding fathers ever told.

All that red and somehow he still lost the popular vote.

Tragic that the Electoral College stole the election from the voters.


One almost might call it a disaster for democracy.

Notice how the last two Republican presidents lost the popular vote but were elected anyway.

Yeah, that electoral college is shit, ain’t it?

Ssshhh. His “alternative facts” say otherwise, doncha know?

We did vote. The majority of voters didn’t want him.