Whoa There Hitler

Dear Mr Strackmeier, I'm happy for you (and happy also that you're continuing to do Block&Tackle).
It's sad but AV Club content has been middling at best, in my opinion, for quite a while. Not sure what you could do about it as editor, though.
Anyway, all the best for you future endeavours. Hope you find a game show to

Though, to be fair, being able to move every couple of weeks for two months opens up interesting time-traveling options

Dear Mr Tee-Tie,
I don't comment much, never did, probably never will; but I do read your columns religiously, and have a love for Block&Tackle that is hard to share with other people around me (I'm French, and let's say that the NFL hasn't yet made a mark here ).
Also, Gameological was my favorite website, ever. So I

I'm not sure we agree on the facts, but thanks for the sentiment.

In that case, it appears likely that the perpetrators are French
nationals who went to fight in Syria then came back to France. From my
limited understanding of this phenomenon, it takes its root in the fact
that their parents (who often came to France as low-wage workers) could
not get integrated in the country, and

As long as something is not hate speech/libel, etc, it should be
possible to say it, write it, draw it, film it, whatever. You may
disagree with the message or the intentions of its authors, but it is
completely besides the point to ask this kind of question at such a
time. These people were killed for having made fun

They were extremely courageous, knowing full well what they risked (one had been under police protection for years, their offices had been burned down a few years ago…). I did not like their cartoons all that much but you have to respect the balls it took to keep making them. And hope that someone else will have the

I was lurking during Level 1, only creating a Disqus account (with a name related to my avatar) when John announced Gameological was being folded back into the AV Club, to say how much I loved the site and mourned its passing. Hence the choice of avatar/user name (Johnny Boy was already taken).
The feeling remains:

Does anyone read this far down in the comments? Probably not. Yet I have a question for you all: should I grab Shadow of Mordor while it's on sale (25% off) on Steam? Or should I wait a year or so until it's really on sale? I need something to take me off my FTL addiction.


Ah, that's nice. I can picture my class next year

Though to be dickish about it topology is not actually related in any way, shape or form with the content of the message - the notion of up/down is certainly not a topological one.

All these pretty pictures and 'splosions… yet all I've been playing the past two months is FTL.
Makes me wonder what these people would do if they had to make a trailer for FTL.

You can also pull that shortcut by using a mushroom just before the previous jump, but that is strictly a desperation move, somewhat hazardous in that, when pulled off in a tight game against your older brother, it might cause a controller becoming embedded in your face. Totally worth it though.

God, that dude playing Ghost Valley in the video is not good. You should jump nearly all corners on this track. I was surprised that, watching it after not playing SMK in like 10 years, my fingers still twitched whenever he should have jumped.
Also, Ghost Valley 1 might be the best track in the game. It is the opposite

Haribo is German. The "bo" in the name stands for "Bonn". Now you know how to shine at your next social dinner.
This might be the most pedantic message I've ever written on a message board - and that's saying something.

NBA Jam, "Boom Shakalaka" would probably beat it. Pretty sure it's forbidden by videogame drinking game leagues everywhere.

So far, the few levels I tried were not too much trouble, but the bosses? They're kicking my ass fairly hard, in ways I'm not used to anymore. This Octopus dude seemed unbeatable - maybe I got to him too early in the game.
Also, speaking of XCOM, sorry about what happened to your namesake. That was totally avoidable.

God this is high school all over again - I'm not cool enough to hang with the hip crowd. After admitting earlier this week that I never played a Mega Man game, I must now confront the fact that I never tried Dark Souls either. "Like a leper almost"… thanks Drew. At least you're a leper with a mustache (I assume).
In a

Speaking of Maniac Mansion, as a kid I so wanted to play the arcade games in the game room, especially Meteor Mess. I would also like to listen to more of Green Tentacle's music…