
Well, we already know he’s drinking piss.

Joe Rocket missed a golden marketing opportunity.

But the real question is, will it come in Rossi livery?

now we’re talkin

The New RWD Lamborghini Is Basically A Pagani

When I was in third grade, I drew a Countach in my notebook and the teacher got mad at me so I blamed in on my friend. Then in 5th grade I brought my Hot Wheels collection to Sunday School and the pastor took my rocket car called Hellraiser and wouldn’t give it back. But the worst...the worst of all...was the time I

Um... Is Chris Harris involved in the new show somehow?

You lie. No one can find things on Bing.

The last line should be “As a millennial, I have no money to be complaining about any of this anyways”

Wise beyond your years..

I think you meant Bull$hit 4 Dayz

I am a Millennial
I studied and am employed in Marketing, allow me to marketing fluff-up my sentiments on this heap:

Car company design a “Lifestyle” vehicle for young people :


Dat an Airbus?