
How in the hell did he fit the car through the row of trees? Wouldn't a little reverse have gotten them back on the road quicker?

Citigroup was involved! I'm shocked.

@B-Sel: Now that's what I'm talking about.

Note to advertisers: I will watch any commercial multiple times that includes slow motion bullet on product action.

Moar D pillar!

Mid-'80s GM quality control engineers are jealous of the fit and finish.

Tesla is going to end up like most Silicon Valley startups: sold off for their IP. There is just to much in making a car that has nothing to do with drive train that the majors have decades of experience in. When Tesla is sold off it will not be because of a failure of the electric propulsion system or the electric

@CalHoon: I was thinking more of a range/efficiency improvement with higher speed as a bonus. I could be totally talking out my ass as I have no actual knowledge about helicopter design but the v-22 has something like double the range of a standard chopper so if this thing could get a 100% improvement in speed with

Cool counter rotating double rotor design is necessary for high speed flight as a single rotor has an inherent speed limit: the faster the chopper goes the maximum amount of lift able to be generated on backward traveling side of the rotor disk falls below what is necessary to keep the craft aloft. Theoretically this

His house looks like something from the Bluth Company and people are pitching a fit over a pickup truck?

@brandegee: Ridgeline is already car based. It's built on the Accord platform.

Two things: Anticipating what others will do and knowing when to be a bit aggressive.

I think this is a good direction for the Explorer. This will be cross shopped with the Lambda CUVs from GM and gas mileage and on road comfort are bigger selling points than true off roading and rock crawling.

If you've got Netflix now the "Cage your Queue" count goes to fifty!

#13 shows a cross section of the flywheel and turbocharger on the middle engine. At least I think that is what it is, my knowledge of 20 foot tall engines is a little lacking.

Just wondering: Would an M5 with a swastika adorning the roof and a bumper sticker "Heritage not hate." be OK?

License plates are to ID a vehicle, possible during the commission of a crime. Big block letters are all that is needed for the alphanumeric ID and the state name. If you want to advertise a cause/school/life philosophy get a damn bumper sticker. The "Commonwealth of VA" has over 200 different license plates. WTF!

He might want to check his scale. It shows 926 on the right front both before and after while the other numbers dropped 50-100 pounds.

The only thing I need to know: $170,000