
It’s salvageable by going back to the original idea, which happens to be similar to the hypothetical being discussed. That’s states rights (a generally R idea I know). They are called states because they were originally conceived as many unified nations, with the states resembling something closer to nation states

We would also put Brady in charge of health and human services. Have Bellickeck command our armed forces. And I would jump off the Zakum Bridge.

Great user name

“a crazy person... “ that is an amazing quote. Where did you hear it? I am totally going to use and am not sure I will sound great saying” as was once said by pinkskull in the fun bag comment section.

That sounds a whole lot like what the idea behind a union of states was. Problem is power tends to consolidate, so it became more one country than many states one union. State governments were supposed to be more influential but they never really had a chance v. Federal government because of what I said about the

But all those municiple power companies will be unaffected! Makes perfect sense

Yea, if they see this coming they should be investing in like, non perishable foods and potable water

Yea “when” the dollar collapses. The dude with the most cans of tuna and bullets will be the richest person.

What about the speed issue though? Yea people obviously find those services useful. That’s why Western Union is supper profitable!

I’m not necessarily anti bitcoin. There may be a place for it, after the crash and it normalizes.

Top of d’s world MA!

KYRIE WENT TO DUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok??? And it would still be up to Facebook whether or not to file your hypothetical lawsuit (that they would not win). Not the people’s who posted the stuff, blurred names or no. Facebook is free to do what they want with whatever you post, the same way your company owns your work emails not you.

Wait..... when did people stop having sex in cars?? I’m 32 and I still do that shit once in a while to keep shit intersting..... Do people not sneak quickies in random outdoor places anymore either? WHAT THE FUCK

That would be facebooks decision to make not yours. You post it, they own it per their terms and services...... Not saying that is the way it should be, it sucks, its just the way it is.

How is pointing towards something someone said/posted/placed in a public domain subject to an invasion of privacy lawsuit?

I just mentoned responding to a comment above... The GOP opposition is baffaling to me see how they sent the guy who presided over mandatory masshealth, as OBamas opponent.

This... As a non-Obama fan I 100% agree with you. He pragmaticly worked within the system to get what he could passed. And their is a lesson to be learned there for all today’s polotcians.

I assume the biggest most powerful company in the world does, in fact, have a Saturday shift

Because getting fired would trigger am immediate termination of acess to all of their faculties, property and networks. Yea he seems to have a regular 9-5, but people like “drop by the office” on Saterdays. If access is controlled via keycard, it won’t work. I also assume a company like ecorp gives employees remote