
Can you define “a rider”, trying to educate myself on the fly here.

Why is him lying to Duterte not likely? I highly doubt he has the resources (if they are even existant) to prove he was lied to. And if another country does and informes him of such, we just claim the info is unreliable, with the endgame being an international he said/she said

This, why are we all making this assumption

Your question assumes that the statement is true.

Do we have any reason to believe that Trumps statement is true??

What if, I’m just spit-balling here, Trump thought this exact scenario through. And in reality we have 1 or 5 or 600 subs “over there”

is the “guy” you know his bartender?

With an opinion like that, your probably a boring ass lay & far from a ninja


As I said in the orginal. Even conceding all drew’s points. It would still be far LESS dangerous than some of rawdogging I have ALREADY done.

Couldn’t you just nibble your way out? Figure you would get there eventually

For real.... This would absolutely be LESS risky than raw dogging some of the chicks i have.

My towns high school football team lost a trip to the state “super bowl”, on a coin flip.

As someone well versed in how someone becomes a Boston folk hero, it is far from inexplicable

Or is it the best

I’m not going through the effort of finding a video but that put back dunk in game one of the ECF finals was sick

Just admit your wrong instead of trying to move the goalpost.

People pleading out to stuff they didn’t do happens all the time. Trust me after waiting in lock up for trial long enough you will be looking for the fastest way to end it/get out. Trials can take forever!!! & often could end up being longer than the amount of time you would get taking a plea.

Because people getting locked up for having their probation revoked is a normal, every day occurrence.

Listen, it definitly seems like he got railroaded the second time around. But walking away with probation for a B & E, larconey under $250 (i’m sure the value of the TV is up for debate), really is not a bad deal, black/white/brown.