
Yea but Mexican gangs now make some bootleg version, containing God knows what and people seem to either not know or not mind the difference..... Even though given it is probably mixed cut with who knows what, they are prob jsut as well off doing H

You are right, I probably overstated the case.

And probably hold him liable for damages as well, hahaha imagine having to face the FUCKING resources of Google and Ubers legal teams as an indivdual

Yo, you see this idiot responding to our two comments?

The real news will be, when R.J. finally gets that erotic story published.

Yes i have a generations old android, with a keyboard and browser that lag due to forced updates it is really not equipped to handle, leading to typos that take so long to correct it is not worth it.

You do understand that it was Clinton and Democrats who deregulated the banks, which is what lead the economic crisis at the end of the last decade. Yes the wars have been costly and look to be mistakes, but truthfully wars success are not judged over a decade (when di we end the occupation of Japan Japan and only got

Dr.’s orders, no liability. probably another way we should be looking at these issues. You know as the realm of and at the discretion of Medical Professionals and not you know, Roger Godell or Adam Silver.

Agreed as far as you know Legal culpability.

Na just reading the Globe reflecting on how our economy is doing so well, the success of our franchises, and the level of culture, history, education, that we enjoy here. You know, relative to whatever, Podunk shit part of the country you hail from.

No he refuses to do what will make them slightly better nobodies...... If the opprptunity was/is there it would’ve/Will be taken

Eh more like finding out he was sniffing mad adderall but no I would not care....... just like I’m assuming my boss probably appreciates my adderall binges given their impact on productivity

These are not mutually exclusive

Na it was not about that..... It was about getting in Boston’s head leading up to the playoffs

Yea exactly....... He wanted to be out there last night, he was on a mission to make a statement to the C’s about who was who, one that they would remember a few weeks from now.

Exactly, wich is why it sucks especially bad when a team comes into your building in April after almost 80 games, just played 4 in 5 nights including an overtime game meanwhile you just had two days off following a Sunday afternoon game in wich ur starters say the whole 4th.... and that team comes to town and wipes

Or Ton Arnold kidnapping your shooting guard

Their “weak coach”?!? You do realize Lue had about as much control over that team as I do. And it has exactly Zero impact on their performance.

Sitting in the Garden watching that, you could even be mad... it was some out of this world shit

Whater wet!