dope bolo

Yeah, I’m not really thrilled with the reinforcement of the idea of women’s bodies as an “embodiment of nature” more than men’s bodies. The woman-as-nurturing-earth-mother-figure is not necessarily feminist. When it’s used to suggest that women are fundamentally different from men—more nurturing, more connected to

The philosophy of the artwork relates to the idea of the sacred feminine.

My problem with things like this is always the questions: “Who is the target of your message here?”

Same, Evan, Same.

Yes, I do. Jerking’s for quick release. If i’m committing 30 min I’m getting laid. I’m surely not spending 2.5 hours giving myself carpel tunnel.

It’s okay. I cheated against you. It was with my wife each time.

The joke is that Key and Peele made a movie that borrows of the premise of the movie John Wick starring Keanu Reeves where Keanu goes on a killing spree after his puppy is murdered is in itself ridiculous, and then made a spoof that substitutes a kitten for the puppy and name it Keanu.

Your company loves sex tapes

This kind of story make gawker media and it’s readers salivate. Don’t even try to appear outraged.

You totally fell for a hoax without doing your basic legwork or using some journalistic common sense, and now you’re trying to cover your tracks and hide your shame by lashing out at the band. You yourself are taking no responsibility what so ever for your part in perpetuating this by being a bad journalist.

Ugh. I didn’t realize that was the same dude. Unicorns had like half a good song


Nope. Not buying this story. Seems 100% publicity stunt.

Tbh, there’s something really gross about Miranda July.

I was actually shocked that he not only admitted to doing something wrong, but specifically said what he did to her. Doesn’t change the fact that it happened and doesn’t change my opinion of him, but at least he’s self aware.

*whispers* Dany would be John’s Aunt because Rhaegar was her big brother.

Didn’t take long for the “All vegans are annoying, pushy, self righteous jerks” crowd to show up in the comments. For what it’s worth, no, all vegans are not those things. I’ve met a small handful who were and I’ve met PLENTY of vegans. Now omnivores who can’t stop themselves making snide comments when they discover

I’m totally with you on this. I eat a healthy vegan diet (ie., not 50 bananas or whatever nonsense this chick is claiming to subsist on). I don’t hide my diet, but I don’t live to talk about it, either. These people need to put the selfie stick down and get a real life.

Ugh why do my fellow vegans have to be so embarrassing. It's like for every single cool vegan, like Prince, there are a thousand militant assholes.