dope bolo

This is clearly outside of the WWYD show’s normal operations and was clearly a massive mistake on their part. They AT LEAST owe you a serious apology. The show is supposed to see how people react to a scenario that unfolds near them, but for some reason they decided to make a bystander the subject of the scenario. Not

The two might be related. Knowing that he was to see an addiction doctor the next day may have caused him to take an even greater dose than usual: the fear that arises when we believe that we are to be deprived of something that has become necessary to us.

Kara, I’m sorry but you have to revive Shade Court. Not crediting Solange seems like shade but can ignoring your little sister be rightfully called shade or is that just being a big sister? I’m undecided.

weird that she thanked everyone but solange

Yeah this is all on the up and up. Replying to bring this thread to the top, since I think it’s important to clarify this is not money-grubbing, this is a sister trying to protect her brothers estate from going into probate, which is a special level of hell.

Run for office. There is literally no way you actually misunderstood that one.

He took going to see ‘The Boss” literally.

Fan fiction about real people makes me a little uncomfortable.

Beyonce is awesome. However I’m exhausted by the coverage.

There’s still room on the docket at The Hague!

This is absurd. Kobe is definitely Top 5 in the following:

Just curious, how many posts are you going to make shitting in these comments?

Didn’t realize there were rules about mourning, thanks for the insight.

Worse than unpopular. It’s wrong. You can count on one hand how many musicians could sing a five-octave range, have perfect pitch, play a dozen instruments, and legitimately lay claim to being one of the best guitar players on earth. In fact, you can count that on one finger, because Prince was the only one.

We throw the word genius around a lot in regards to our entertainers. 99% it is undeserved. I’m not a massive fan of his, but even I know that Prince was a fucking genius.

Wait a second. Prince was interviewed on American Bandstand in 1980.

Purple tinted glasses today, you fuck.

eat shit.