I’m reading Covid shutdown into it, not endemic racism/classism.
If one person gets Covid and dies because of the unavoidable and inescapable extra exposure, is it worth it?
Now that’s a hot take, Erin.
Look at my screen name. Trolling for clicks is not beneath me.
Trying to enlarge to read, is that last one Acornoclitic?!?
You mean tepid nose-to-tail parading, no? The fact that the over/under for passing FOR THE WHOLE SEASON is under 100 needs to be dealt with.
So much more exciting for the home viewer without run-offs.
Squinty eyes and enormous buck teeth: it’s an Angry Beaver.
I’m a white middle-age male. I have no reason for me to use these protections.
Just get assimilated. It’s so much easier.
By ‘everyone’ you mean fascist trolls, right?
“Evoking Hitler 80 years on is a big fat fail.” he said, sipping coffee from his Krupps coffee maker.
Ford/Hackett 2020?
If anyone should know, old man Moses, it’s you: the Devil is in the details.