Outstanding Terrific Character

I was unfortunate enough to see stuff I wasn't supposed to and I tell you a lot will be clearer next week

watch the next weeks episode please

She knows about Littlefingers trap, man just wait 7 days and then either critique the storyline or credit it :D trust me

What was dumb about this episode? Stop being so bloody critical and go watch something else, I am very glad they ventured out on this stupid mission because it provided for one of the best hours of TV. You should rate episodes by how they make you feel, how excited and tense, I guarantee 99% of the people were tense,

Look, the last scene at Winterfell where they play the game of faces, Arya gives Sansa the dagger and turns her back on Sansa, which means she trusts her. This is a big set up for Littlefinger who will die next episode 99%.

People already calculated it after the leak, it would roughly take 2.5 days for the raven to arrive and dragons to get there to help Jon and co. There is also the option of Dany being worried and traveling there before the raven even arrived.

Becuase Littlefinger wants them to be in conflict, and Arya is making that conflict happen to make it seem as if Littlefinger gets his way.

You're an idiot. First of all
The wights that were turned by that particular White Walker die with him, so that one wight was turned by another WW. Second of all, simple hunting rule, you kill the target thats furthest away from you so that if you miss, there are targets closer to you which you can aim for.

It kills him that's how it hurts him, I bet you £100 he will die next episode or first episode of season 8

Holy hell,if you are dumb enough not to see that Arya is clearly setting up a trap for Littlefinger, then there is no hope for you, and you critisie the show for its lazy writing when you can't see obvious things like that. I agree the writing is not as good as it has been but GRRM really screweed DD in that regard.

Trust me he wont be off stage next week. I can guarantee you this mate, if not I'll send you £50 by paypal.