
I’m glad that we can all agree that lying about BC is sexual assault.

I dunno, why do women keep lying about BC?

Meh, if lying about BC isn’t abuse, neither is sabotage.

Fucking blapipo.

Kinda like how I wanna feed Mike Harriot a banana?

BWAHAHA! The level of butthurt around here just gets my dick hard. Good thing he didn’t comment on other cool names, like panthers or some such.

“What if we talked about white poverty the way we talked about black poverty?”

Yeah, she did a bang up job covering UVA. Including but not limited to throwing a ‘tism fit when another journalist called her out on her sloppy reporting.

Because someone said it, it must be true right?

Geez, what a shock that it turfed out. So many of these indie games center around a message of some kind, but always fall flat on plot and character development, and end up really ham fisted in their messages. Also, god forbid they actually put some gameplay in their VIDEO GAMES.

Black on white crime is 5x the reverse, WITHOUT even controlling for population. Our society bends over ass backwards to hand out gibs to blacks. Cops shooting blacks is disproportionately less than shooting of any other race given the crime rates. Blacks are looting, robbing, and assaulting in the streets. And to

Trump 2020 baby, gotta keep those #blacktears filling my cup 😗

Both sides of this need to calm the fuck down, both the people paranoid that false rape accusations are common and the gender studies legbeards that think rape in college is more common than 3rd world war zones. Though I would like to see female on male rape taken seriously for a change, given recent findings on both

Mercy mains?

Not like they have guns or anyth...

They should dream about immigrating legally.

> I feel sorry for people whose lives are so devoid of meaning or filled with privilege that their only respite is to attempt to upset others on social media.

>our oppressors

>takes down statue

It means I’m laughing at the punchline.