
A bit off topic: But I laugh when right wing morons whine that their moving to Mexico! If Twitter wasn’t backwards and just let me log in through Google. I’d replay “I hope you get killed by the Cartels.”

I agree that it’s weird to specifically have the Rambo from First Blood, but RoboCop is sort a of different situation.

The problem is (I’ve been thinking on this a lot, sadly) if they admit that they were wrong about him, then they have to admit that we liberal elites were right, even once. And they CAN’T DO THAT. Because that opens a horrifying doorway in which they have to admit that we might have been right about other things

By the way, it’s consistently worth remembering that Trump took out a full-page ad in the New York Post condemning the Central Park 5 and calling for the death penalty for children and then, when they were acquitted, doubled down and said they should be executed despite their innocence.

Between the hair and the orange, it’s amazing that anyone could perceive Chump as anything remotely resembling masculinity.

Marine vet here. Enlisted, active duty, six years including a combat tour in Iraq in the early 90’s during the first Gulf War.

The hero worship of slaving traitors is disgusting and it stunts us as a nation. If we can not restart The Reconstruction and destroy treasonous confederate institutions, we will fail as a nation. I recommend making the glorification of confederate symbols as illegal here as Nazi imagery is in Germany and a small

let’s see:

I think you nailed the strange hypocrisy on the head. Why would anyone assume that a set of deities shared only the background of the narrow population who worship them, when they allegedly created and support all peoples? But then again, plenty of people still imagine Jesus as the only white guy with blue eyes in the

I dont usually respect Lewis that much for his personality and tendency to complain whenever hes not winning, but god damn if he didnt pull back all those respect points for this.

Perhaps if you’re so skeptical about the stats you should actually read the studies instead of mouthing off based on your armchair expertise? “Seems significantly off” isn’t a sufficient rebuttal. 

Like most Americans, I have a 500 mile commute where I need to transport 9 passengers and tow a battle-ready T-70 tank while fording exactly 31 inches of water. The puny battery in this inferior electric vehicle can’t possibly work for my needs. There’s literally no use case for it, mark my words these will rot on

No, but if you cut a fuel line and it hits a hot component it will. Again, same rules apply, you break it enough shit going to catch on fire. We all don’t run around in fear of taking ICE cars off road because a puncture to the fuel line will catch fire, or because they run on literal gallons of flammable materials.


Improved Atmosphere. Fixes most of the outstanding bugs and bugged out content. Adds some actually good looking rogue armors (taken from DA2). Generally improves the, well, atmosphere of the game by adding animations to NPCs and giving the companions more things to do around camp.

Open your eyes people! The rendering algorithm has just pulled the veil off our eyes and shattered the grand illusion. The Illuminati’s place of power is a 600 story building that’s big enough for planes to land on and Buckingham Palace is an old apartment building, always has been.

Some people need to spend less time on the internet. 

I was going to apologize for posting in the wrong forum, Rollo, but instead I’ll just say “Fuck Trump!”

If only these over privileged assholes would just hold the current presidential administration to the same fucking standards that they hold GM and Chevrolet we wouldn’t be in the fucking shitshow that we’re currently in.

God that comment from the prospective Corvette person just drips with privilege and arrogance. Ignoring the fact that 2020 is a shitshow- your super special car is a few months late? Boo. Fucking. Hoo.

So, the net is that the whiners should just cancel and go buy an equivalent performing Porsche, right?