
His criminal history is irrelevant. What IS relevant was the cop continuing to knee him down over a prolonged period of time preventing him from breathing, even after George clearly indicated as such, and while his colleagues stood by and did nothing.

The only things that those prison sentences show is that he’s someone who had already served his time for his crimes, and maybe had a drug problem. Nothing to kill a man over. If all it takes to justify someones murder is drug convictions, then off the top of my head, I can think of at least three family members of

Im so sick of the counterfeit $20 dollar bill b.s., do you know how easy it is to get a counterfeit bill?  I worked in a bank and the amount of people who handed me a counterfeit bill would blow your mind.  Hell Ive had ATM machines give me counterfeit bills before because unless you specifically know what to look for

There Is No Place For Confederate Flags In NASCAR Outside Of a Museum

While I agree with this 100% and it is long overdue, it is a tall order. I’ve been to a few NASCAR events and most the fan base represents a very unsavory element of our country. The the vibe is redneck hard right, racism is palpable. These folks lean into the ignorance and, disgustingly, wear it as a badge of honor.

The answer is that a lot of people in this country are hesitant to call when something like this happens, and for good reason. Which means we need to replace the police force with a more effective solution that actually serves more people, such as community organizations and social services.

The clips and videos of the police acting like the Gestapo should be a wake up call to this country. I have never seen a profession where no matter the result you are never allowed to question those who make it up. I have no fucking clue why this society holds the police in such high regard and keeps falling back on

ALAS, all we have in our whole area is a street named Jeff Davis. But! There was another map marker on the stupid little hamlet that’s our county seat, and the item it was marking was OUR COUNTY SEAL, which I had never seen before, and holy shiiiiiiit. Holy shit.

This is why you need to wear a fedora with a card that says PRESS stuck in the band!

I think the question is, what are YOU smoking?

I’m gonna guess that you’ve never seriously thought you were going to be killed because you accidentally made eye contact with a police officer?

I see a ton of n-word names along with the MAGA clan tag. They should ban that one too

Before anyone screeches out that ALL LIVES MATTER, I’ll simply point out that it’s not about all lives. It’s about Black Lives that have yet to have any degree of equality to white people. When was the last time a white person, pulled over for a routine traffic stop felt that this was the night they might die? Until a

Agreed 100%.

The rest of the hand-tool / shop tool industry is moving en masse to China, so even name brands are suffering. Eventually, China will get better at this. After all, they made your iPhone.

They’re two, they’re four, they’re six, they’re eight
Sequential turbos hauling freight
Big and chrome and forged, it’s true!
They’re the Forced Induction Crew
All with different roles to play
trading goods or pinks the same
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his friends

Yes, David. Everyone knows that you’re into some hinky stuff that involves rust and copious amounts of pain, but really, matching numbers? Trust me, the scrapyard operators won’t give a sloppy dump when you finally move along and it gets thrown into those wicked recycling teeth.

I really don’t get the whole numbers matching fetish. Buy the already done motor and call it a day. Unless you win the lottery that thing will never be nice enough for it to matter. Keep the old boat anchor for someday (in case you DO win the lottery).

Maybe that Brosnan shouldn’t have expected a $228K+ car for doing a photoshoot.

Vampire Weekend’s discography is the official soundtrack of gentrification