To me the questions are
To me the questions are
Kids are only walking around with Pepsi these days. Protects them from racism.
Oh, and double-fuck Ben McAdoo for having OBJ out there in the second quarter of a goddamn preseason game against what is, essentially, a field full of Madden generic created players.
There is a part of me that wishes we could keep just a little quieter about *whispers* the BP movie … just like I really really wish Stephen Thrasher had been a little less “nyah nyah-nyah nyah nyah” about the coming N. American demographic shift in his book. Because it brings out that very crappiness of which you…
This confirms a theory a have about white people and I’m not even going to say ‘some’ white people. They are so full of themselves that they can’t fathom being told that they can’t do something or that some spaces aren’t targeted to them. They can’t stand that there can actually be spaces that weren’t created just.…
If a dude doesn’t want to make the visit, that’s fine. But please explain to me how Obama was making statements or advancing policies that reinforced longstanding systemic oppression of Thomas or his community.
False equivalence is the fig leaf for the “But I’m not a racist!” crowd.
I like how you’re pretending the only difference between Obama and Trump is the party affiliation.
He has been ‘balling’ for the longest
I read a couple of them. The main issue the writers highlighted was Fey’s “just leave Nazis alone and let them do their thing” advice, which is a fair criticism by the writers.
The US Presidency will now and forever be a joke and one the people will never respect again. The precedent has been set.
May they eternally slap each other’s tits in Hell.
Wait, you’re telling me that the chinless globs of mayonnaise that hide under white hoods are cowards? I’m shocked.
Go back and take a look at the Uncle Remus stories. They are African American literature common to the American South and (curiously) the French Caribbean. Look at the story structures; they are classic Trickster stories in which the apparently weak destroys the strong. Brer Rabbit sometimes appears to be on the…
Point of personal privilege:
Please let us have some of those other completely different articles.
ITA- White people behaving like decent human beings does not warrant a gold star even in jest, and who knows maybe even Long does not expect a pat on the back. I was annoyed by all the BBQ cookout invites black twitter gleefully offered Michael Rappaport this week because of his anti racist video rant. This is the…
I’m not a fan of racial drafts. We can ignore those black folks without “replacing” them, even symbolically, with white people who meet the minimum requirements for being a decent human being.
Can we just not? I know it’s all in good fun. But no “race draft” talk this year, please? At least not this week. Damn.
Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.