“Heather Heyer: Woman Killed in Road Rage Incident was a Fat, Childless 32-Year-Old Slut.”
“Heather Heyer: Woman Killed in Road Rage Incident was a Fat, Childless 32-Year-Old Slut.”
So GoDaddy was totally cool with DailyStormer up until now?
Actions have consequences. I hope all these assholes march on the White House and demand that Donald take care of them. He signaled to them that it would be okay to be hidesouly and openly racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, homophobic, who knows what the fuck else, now let him look after them.
I appreciate the cops letting him get roughed up a bit.
To be fair, I think they know why he’s sitting. It just illuminates their privilege and that is the worst crime you can commit against wypipo.
Can I say that sitting during the anthem was a stroke of protest genius. Americans today have lost their jingoistic minds over Americana and American symbology.
Pittsburgh is Philly’s little brother
I’ve been banging this drum but it’s important to note that there are no successful members of the alt right. By which I mean the only way these people are able to make money (and some of them, like Richard Spencer, Gavin McInness, and Milo make quite a bit) is by selling tales of oppression to white mediocrity.
He has a big white suburban kid fan base. They seem to like him because hes like a “safe” rapper. Safe in the sense that hes the Black guy thats not ghetto or hood enough for their parents not to like. Hes the Black guy that skates and has the diverse friends who are mostly not Black.
The Fish that Saved Pittsburgh, Sudden Death, Angles in the Outfield (1951, Bing Crosby!), Slap Shot (Johnstown), and that scene in Batman where Heinz Field blows up.
Well Romeo Crennel is not walking through that door, at least given the fact that it’s standard door width.
Good. Fuck all of those assholes and everyone like them forever, and if they’ve spread their garbage thoughts to their children, (which is the worst part), and the children believe that trash, then fuck them too.
Salador Saan! I miss our chill pirate chieftain and his jam-packed Jacuzzi sessions. Now that man knows how to live!
They think they’ve murdered us, but we rise again. They think we are too small to fight, but they don’t know what we’ve been through. They don’t know what we’ve seen. They can only hope we don’t all get back together and unite under one roof. Because we have a list. Because we can fight. Because we can transform.…
the importance of her music
Yea no we are not going to impugn the importance of her music and the culture phenomena around her.
Woman With Billions Of Dollars to Hire Personal Trainor, Chef, and Childcare Looks Like She Hired Personal Trainor, Chef, Childcare.
Beyonce clearly looks a like a woman that was carrying twins up until 2 months ago. She just has a great stylist and she’s rich so she don’t have to give a fuck.
A religion nearly as stupid and pointless as Scientology.
I think the question on everybody’s mind is...does the curtain match the drapes?