
Don’t even try to downplay Familia, dude is a beast, has been all season. Dodgers suck, BTW.

I’m not buying one second of this. “Lamar Odom” is holed up in a masion somewhere, whoever they have in the “hospital” is a stunt double/impostor. Just like “Caitlyn” and “North West”, this is a hoax.

Man, what a douchehat. I’ve never seen a college football player who was more exciting than Manziel, dude had a nose for the end zone like no one else. Too bad he couldn’t expand upon that success. Now he’s just a sad punch line, you’ll be reading “where is he now?” pieces on this guy within five years.

Just like with “Caitlyn”, this is likely just a publicity stunt. “Lamar Odom” (if that’s even his real name) is a paid actor and whoever’s in the “hospital” is just a well-paid stunt double. I’m not buying a second of any of it.