Bob Loblaw

Cmon...respected? lulz

Agreed. Can we not do the “Buzzfeed” or “Splinter” style headlines on Jalop? Im not offended, it just looks like youre trying too hard. 

Good luck to ya! :)

HOW THE F DO YOU GET OUT OF THAT THING i think to myself watching these gifs. 

Which is exactly how long it takes police departments in Florida to respond to anything.


“The New Driftboard in Fortnite is Marginalizing Racism and Trump Doesnt Care”

Can we hate the tomahawk chop, not because its racist (cause wtf, what isnt to some of you?), but because its just stupid looking?

BTW, I realize you caveated your statement with “financially responsible”...we just know that segment, when it comes to cc’s, is like 1/100 people. 

Ugh, the “points” argument. You keep doin you then. Based on the average persons cc debt though, never suggest to the masses that using cc’s is better than spending money that you actually have.

Which is why you can run debit as credit. Sometimes, annoyingly, the readers at some stores dont make it obvious you can do this. 

This take. Its wrong. 

Ill just keep calling them idiots, thanks. 

95% of the national media wanted it to be true”

what a stupid take since anyone with half a brain could see this story was batsh!t stupid from the start. guess that leaves you with no brain? 

Unless its a conservative amirite?! omegalul

man i havent listened to skm in forever...

Ouch, triggered. 

good counterpoint. ncaa is still hot flaming garbage. 

Flash back to election when every hollywood liberal said “im moving to canada if trump wins!” Of course they didnt cause its a stupid thing to say and and even stupider thing to follow thru on since even with a swollen orange abcess at the helm its still better here than anywhere else. not a related take on your