Bob Loblaw

Titiana Mcgrath???


Never let the narrative go. NEVER. 

Pst, this isnt a race/gay thing no matter how bad you want it to be. How is it bad to be joyous to know there ARENT hoards of MAGA hat wearing racists out there beating up folks at 2 in the morning? I think people have the right to be thrilled this story was a hoax in the same way that senators/congressmen/reporters

How is this timeline confusing to anyone with any ounce of common sense in them? Sorry the narrative blew up in so many fake-reporters faces. 

Cool stance! GL!

Ask any number of spina bifida survivors whos doctors recommended abortion if they think a doctors advice is always sound.

Man youve really sold yourself on this havent you. Maybe get some real life experience before getting so passionate about something you clearly dont understand. Also, know that I feel sorry for you. 

LOL “anti-choice”. i see youve read the progressives manual for how to wordsmith.

How dare someone have different beliefs than you! The horror!!! In short: F*ck Trump, amirite?!

Uhhhh........oh, I get it, this is sarcasm.

Or Mosques? 

Page is an angry little thing aint she.  

Youre whats known as “a bad human”. Grats I guess.

You sure had to write a lot to justify late-term abortion. 

Yeah, youre right, Behar is the sane one.


Cuz woke, yo!!!

what a crazily balanced article, just stating the facts! no opinions on this one theroot? huh!

Friends and fans GAVE them gold, I think is the more common practice. I was watching the first Jaina kill, and afterwards one of Methods raiders was hanging out in the troll city and a random popped open his trade and gave him 50kg. Nothing exchanged, nothing owed....Method guy didnt even know the random and seemed