Bob Loblaw

Great point...I think I just get so caught up in the performances that I forget its all batshit crazy. Still...cant wait to see how much more crazy it gets.

My SJW ‘lock just picked up his 4th golden trait! Burning Guilt ftw!

Dont wanna be labeled a bigoty Nazi!

And snowflake.

Youre missing some of the best acting being done right now if you dont.

Yep. People who cant take an insult are the same people that feel the need for safe spaces. Learning how to take an insult is part of growing up...and becoming a well-adjusted adult.

LOL a VW at menards...good one.

*hands you lit cigarette


Youve obviously never read Watership Down.

Your friends a dirtbag.


Pay attention, Mexico. THAT’S how you get over a wall.

Youre the only one. Sorry mate.

Yep, huge starvation problem in America.



Spoiler Alert: The Pope is no closer to God than anyone else. He just gets a cool outfit.

Forgiveness is a powerful and complicated thing...that most of us will never fully understand.

Welcome to gummit.