A friend of mine told me the original name a little while ago. I refused to believe him until he Wiki’d it then shoved the phone in my face .
A friend of mine told me the original name a little while ago. I refused to believe him until he Wiki’d it then shoved the phone in my face .
So the way to kill a Witcher is to straight thrust with a rapier. Got it. Thx bro. ; )
When all else fails, remember: Zack Snyder is, has been, and will be a hack director.
Division48 is a small Polish studio that has worked on games like The Witcher 3, Hard West and Dying Light.
Nah, Jim’s totally in the right here. These guys don’t have even 0.01% shot of winning.
This meme also appropriate to the current GOP primary.
Having been watching this shitstorm for a while, this is pretty par for the course tht Digital Homicide has taken. They’ve consistantly been in their own universe on what their rights are, and what fair use is.
Digital Homicide is representing themselves in the lawsuit, and do not have an attorney. They’re currently crowdfunding support for additional help, saying all donations will be kept anonymous.
So instead of finding faults with their products and working toward making a better one, they’re going to cry foul over the lack of objective reviews. Seems about right.
I don’t think us humans can understand the plight of half-human, half-robots as marginalized members of our society.
Ha, yeah Kirk wanted me to link to this at some point in the story, but wasn’t sure where:
“They could have scrapped everything and said “We’re going to make a WoW clone” years ago...”
When exactly do you think SOE became Daybreak? It was little more than a year ago. The result is what you would expect if Bain Capital had bought EQ.
Daybreak is an extension of an investment firm. They are concerned with…
That is the oddest but most accurate mocking statement I have read possibly ever.
We oversugar things ;-;
Sam Lamont is an artist who has worked for companies like Games Workshop, Creative Assembly (Total War) and Fantasy…
That’s what I adore about Kyle as a character. He’s been put through the ringer, no pun intended, in ways that the other GL’s - save for John maybe - could only dream of. And he comes out of it as a stronger character more often than not.
As much as flack DC gets, and some of it really deservedly, I cannot express how happy I am they decided to run this series to its end instead of cancelling it midway through as it initially seemed.
“Is it mechanically possible for you to fuck yourself?” I laughed my ass off at that one.
Hate his crotch punch all you want but Mortal Kombat’s douchiest martial artist has a gift for jawing at his…