Maybe the role turned out to be...
But does it have Italian Spiderman?
And here's a picture of the northern lights over Canada
So among about a billion other things revealed about the CW's burgeoning DC TV universe, the outfit for Robbie…
As the ancient proverb goes, "Any day that features new Venture Bros footage is a good day indeed." So now that we…
Hey, I can see my house from here!
Hmm... well there was a definitely a bit that looked like Caliban dancing with his "bride", it appears as though the Phantom sighting may be true- though I'd love it if they pulled a twist and just made the Phantom of the Opera just a persona for Caliban, it just seems like his thing.
That was disgusting - she put her cigarette out in her bath tub.
This new Penny Dreadful trailer will blow your mind. We've already spotted what we think is the Phantom of the…
I don't wanna know spoilers. This show is great and I don't want it spoiled yet.... *peeks anyway*
Dragon have long been putting out Model kits for the Marvel movies - including this adorable dancing Groot - and now…
That's kind of his signature tag line:
magicman81; snarkiest
"My name is Ray Palmer, and I am the smallest man alive. Sometimes."
I didn't say ALL British TV.
Reminds me of how "The 100" sounded dumb but then won you over, might do the same.
The best show on tv was back last night!
Agreed. Frost Giants, Nidhogg, Skinfaxi, etc. Norse mythology is quite rich if you have played a Megami Tensei game or read a Thor comic.
when supernatural has an episode with curupira its time to yank the show