
Ok guys any recommendations on issues or storylines to read to get a good vibe of the character?

The Deathstroke Identity **hint hint, nudge nudge**

Nope same Power Girl. She came over to new Earth at the very beginning of the new 52 Earth 2 storyline, which was a great story tbh, and had some some adventures with earth 2 huntress in a the worlds finest series (I think it was called worlds finest). They went back to earth 2 after that odd ham fisted mega event

Power Girl is back on Earth-2 and also in the comic Eart 2 society

Is that the guy from shameless who played the Gotham version of The Joker?

I thought it was Guardian with flying powers for a second

No not Snyder....but...

Same! I thought they muzzled him..sort of like in Wolverine Origins where they sowed up Deadpool’s mouth.

I second this


same i thought it was a fun movie and I really didn’t pay much attention to what Harley was wearing I was too busy loving the performance. I think we need to see more of Joker (in another film) but i liked that he wasn’t in it too much as it would just be about him and not about Deadshot, Harley, Flagg and Waller.

that is cool tho

FINALLY! Really didn't like the space hobo look.


Slightly bummed to hear the second half and villain aren’t that good but I’m still gonna pay to see it.

Everyone else looks great in this just not the actual Tick.

I’m guessing he was probably retired and they pulled him back in

Aha nicely done. You are right.

Now playing

Oh cool thanks, You’ve basically described the same personality that a couple of my friends have. I just watched this interview of him from 2013