Dammit was really hoping for Squirrel Girl
Dammit was really hoping for Squirrel Girl
I loved Kings and was so sad to see it go...They cancelled the Borgais?? NOOOO!!! I didn't know :(
Totally agree Stewart over Hal any day....if they do put al in it make him as craptasticly funny as he was in Justice League: War
giant hour glass in space.....something is loading...
I'd say Momoa is a better actor but he doesn't look that much like much like Bishop. They've done good work with making Omar look like Bishop...but I don't think he'll get to say much.....I hope he gets to say "Name's Bishop, remember it" at the very least
no they did good with the casting.
I'm soo gonna watch this...like actually pay to go see it and not wait for it to be uploaded!
Wouldn't it be cool if he played the Master to Capaldi's Doctor
Yeah I hope so too
No wonder Master Chief wears that helmet
The Ultron we know and love was created to resemble an ant by Hank Pym. So why would the movie Ultron look like that. This Ultron is made from parts of Iron Man's Armor and A.I. but still has a few things similar to the 616 version. I'm okay with this
but yeah this might not be actual Ultron but a Ultron bot thing he…
well they can't really make him look like that. If you think about how he was made in the comics. It's all links back to Hank Pym so they have to go a completely different way.
oh no! I feel a sneeze coming!
Yes I get what he's on about too. But you still have to look at it realistically. Like you've pointed out this is SHEILD and not say someone who gains powers and creates The Great Lake Avengers. This was and probably is the best form to tie in all the movies and create a sort of synergy with keeping people interested…
most definitely!!
You need to understand that we aren't the only ones watching. The normals out there greatly outnumber us and they are what really counts for a network or TV series. You can't just dump a character in there as you are alienating a large part of the audience. If you want to Dump a character in there without building…
it is possible that they are still building on it. It has taken them a while to get to this point. This show isn't about just dumping in recognisable characters whilly nilly it's about selling an audience on the marvel universe and its wider cast of characters. This is an intro to the Deathlok program and as we've…
I know but he doesnt count
I meant from the comics