
You're looking for a sentence that says "WE CANNOT JUDGE THIS FILM - IT WILL BE AS GOOD AS THE ORIGINAL ." It's not that literal. The author ends a paragraph by stating there is no reason why this movie won't be as good as the original or at least the sequel. After saying we can't judge it by its trailer.

So is your mom.

Are you fucked yet?

Get fucked.

Go back and read it nimrod.

The pedigree of the actors involved is rattled off and followed by a flippant remark indicating this is all the proof anyone needs of the films quality.

The article suggests we shouldn't judge a movie by it's trailer. We have no right to say it's bad. And then goes on to say it's obviously gonna be good. At least as good as the sequel because it cast pople from Saturday Night Live. Just like the original. This kind of logic runs through out this whole piece. Bollocks.

oh no they dint

I got some white balls for ya.

Rob liefeld should make a cameo as Rob Liefeld

Actually i'm a huge fan of pop culture in general! I love the Matrix and cloud Atlas. I was being snarky but I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that they're borrowing from morrison again. Beyond the legit online deconstructions of the similarities on websites like cracked (among others) there is morrison on

It isn't really a debate, there are side by side comparisons of the movie with the film online not to mention a lot of the plots and themes. Anyway that is old news, I only brought it up cause they were now aping mr whisper from morrison as well.

Mr Whisper is a Batman Villain created by Grant Morrison. It is nice to see the Wachowski's have moved on from Grant's Invisibles story and onto his Batman stuff.