
Someone saw him playing tennis, called him the Michelin man and he misheard it. This has to have happened more than once, so by virtue of it being said to him multiple times he thought nobody was called a “Michigan” man more so therefore he’s the Michigan man of the year! 

Blender and cheesecloth, in batches? Don’t wanna buy juicer for 1 dish...

I thought Hanzo mains were supposed to be cancerous assholes who can’t hit the wide side of the barn?

Tony Gemignani seems to know his stuff: I’ve read his Pizza Bible and eaten at one of his places. The cookbook was very informative and the food was very good.

I was wondering if anyone would mention his facial hair, lol. I agree, that's not an attractive look.

Randy "actually piece of shit" Pitchford didn't make you want to not play BL3? This is the thing that pushed it over the edge for you?

A corndog with ketchup? You monster...

lol i gotta stop pulling that kinda shady shit

Oh sure it looks bad, but that's only because you put exactly what they said into print with the appropriate amount of context around it to get across exactly what they were trying to say!

That is only half of the letter they sent. My favorite line is “using Ferrari’s cars as props in a manner which is per se distasteful.”. Lol.

Yes, this column was a serious misrepresentation of what happens in a kitchen towards the end of the night. Whoever wrote this either never actually worked in a restaurant, or always had a terrible relationship with the cooks.

Agree so much on this. Salty, you drastically understate the amount of work the BOH has to redo for last-minute guests. 

My rule is:

If you can’t order, eat, and pay by 10 minutes before closing, then don’t go in to a proper, full-service restaurant. That’s what fast food and all-night diners are for.

And if it can’t be helped and your server is scrambling to get your order taken care of, leave a generous tip.  But you should know that

By gum! He’s right!

Forthrightness like that is why I voted for him twice as governor, and why I hope to vote for him again ... for the Senate, once he gives up this silly presidential campaign.

“cuck beta leftists.” I swear to god, you could not sound more desperate to seem cool as right-wing edgelords do when they string these words together.

Sounds to me like Arch Warhammer is a dick.

Is unseen work the part where you steal other peoples work and claim it as your own?

Except it's not your level, mate, you nicked it off of the user JoshLamm

Yeah, stealing Mario Makers concepts from other people and passing it as your own. Lots of fun :)