
TOR was incredibly high risk, as were Destiny and especially Dead Space.

Eucerin Eczema Relief Body Cream is freaking magic. As a chef, washing hands constantly, I always suffered from super dry hands, no matter what lotion I used at home. I got some on a recommendation from our dishwasher and it’s incredible. Our whole restaurant are believers now. 

Eucerin Eczema Relief Body Cream is freaking magic. As a chef, washing hands constantly, I always suffered from

You can stop thanking Riccitiello for that. Catalyst came out 3 1/2 years after he left the final(hopefully!) time. Even if it had gotten through ideation by March 2013, it would have still been at gate 0-1, and Soderlund would have been the one putting his foot on the gas as the EVP EA Games/Studios. 

You are absolutely right with your whole premise, and we never talk about it. I can think of 2 comfort spots here in Austin that I would never actively recommend to people, but are there for me when I need them sometimes.

I just began a calorie-restricted diet last week, so no, now is not the perfect time to start baking bread, you jerk! 

I feel that, as a person who is legally allowed to smoke marijuana, I should be able to cross state lines with it.

Kevin, I respect you and you’re probably my favorite contributor across all of GMG, including your video appearances.

If pizza acrobats want my respect, that facial hair and those sunglasses are not a good start.

Maybe he can figure out how to make watching a BR game competition fun? I kinda honestly don’t think it’s possible. 

Welcome to HOTS, the least shitty MOBA community! Two quick tips:


That’s totally valid. I totally agree about Corypheus and some of the side characters. I actually did love the giant open world with a bunch of mundane stuff going on though. 

Not liking the big open world style is totally fair. I hadn’t played any of the Ubisoft games or anything similar before DA:I, so I hadn’t burned out on the style yet and loved it. 

DA2 was rushed garbage, but DA:I was actually really great, even if it wasn’t completely perfect.

Has EA/Bioware weighed in and said they are not going to cease and desist it?

I really appreciate that you took a bunch of heat, and rather than digging in or just ghosting, replied and admitted error. I thought it might be helpful to give a little more context instead of just piling on “Nah bro u wrong!”

Nah dude. You are way behind the times on what modern means now. As of like 3 weeks ago, at least.

I’m honestly excited. I like BRs in theory, but PUBG’s gunplay in first person is hot garbage. I haven’t bought a COD game in nearly a decade, so haven’t bothered with Blackout. I don’t like the 3rd person perspective and aesthetic of Fortnite.

Vladimir and Donald

ME2 came out in 2010, DAI came out in 2014, so your statement is incorrect, sir!