
Alana isn't an FBI agent right? There's no way an actual FBI agent wouldn't be able to tell that their weapon had an empty magazine, the weight is significant enough to be able to tell the difference even without years of experience. At first I thought somehow the firing pin was missing. She sure was lucky that

The GoT violence is more upsetting, the Hannibal violence is more nauseating and bloody in the act.

The violence on GoT isn't so gory and bloody. When King Stannis cut the top of a guy's head off at the Blackwater it was not nearly as bloody as Will getting stabbed. Even when Lady Stark got her throat slashed it was not nearly as bloody as when Abigail got her throat cut. I almost thought I was going to get light

Well maybe you would have some better ideas if you didn't spend all day drinking straight Kahlua in the theater bathroom.

If you want fun, you've come to the wrong place.

I'd eat his sincere meals, but the mocking ones with fishheads are like Red Wedding food.

That's kinda like how I had to stop playing Fallout: New Vegas because it was just too depressing to wander around a post nuclear hellscape.

DVDs of Jericho

I just mean two shows about wasteland usa end prematurely on the verge of a war between Texas and some other regional power.

No, he never did one like that. You must have imagined it. Now click your mouse over to something else.

No one ever says it's great to see dookiestain

Or until we fast forward though all his movies and we realize as he is about to die that it was us who were wrong for not appreciating him.

This is Jericho all over again

I'm just glad people are talking about The Shield without anyone having to murder their wife.

I've been watching a lot of Hannibal so everything reminds me of that. Just earlier at the deli when they were slicing meat for my sandwich I thought of Mason Verger.

I like how Lester did a Silence of the Lambs with a fake face. Only he just used medical tape instead of slicing a guy's face off. I mean this guy is such a goof I'm surprised he thought of that plan. Unless he had recently watched Silence of the Lambs.

No, I'm serious. We need to go back to using rocks.

Like when those 20 kids got stabbed at that high school and it was in the news for like 1 day.

That's why I'm against swords. Back in the good old days, you had to find a rock. But not just any rock, a good rock, so that takes a while. Then you had to get close enough to bash someone over the head with it. But with these fancy new swords and spears, you can just carry one around with you and kill someone from 2

I'm just glad people are talking about The Shield again. This sounds like something Shane would do. Seriously though, Claudette will get a confession out of him.