
"used to" being the operative phrase. Boy this place went down the shitter faster than a turd from Sasha Grey's asshole. Cause she's got a loose butthole. From doing porn.

There's more to it. Did Oberyn poison Tywin? I find the character interesting.

He's not supposed to be a brain surgeon, well I guess he can be if you count bashing someone's head open with a hammer as brain surgery. The point is this guy looks too nice. He was chopping people in half but he just looks like a big friendly guy that would help you if you got lost in his neighborhood. The guy from

They couldn't show Daario's monster dong

that moves

He may relish in his accomplishments, but never accuse Dr. Lecter of using too much relish on his associates.

This episode was so awesome it makes me want to peel my face off

How rude of them

Seeing Hannibal with his wrists slit open earlier in the season was much more nauseating to me than Verger feeding the dogs his face, which I thought was awesome. Seeing people getting stabbed in the gut or slitting their wrists sometimes makes me lightheaded, but I can watch people get gibbed and dismembered no

Why was the rabbi portrayed as such a meek and scared individual? That guy threatened to kill his family and he just walks off? He could have come back with a story about how he tortured some arabs to death in a war, why are Jewish people always portrayed as wimps?

K-9 units are used to avoid the 4th amendment. Someone won't let you search their car? Bring out the dogs, do something to make them have a false alert, and then the cops tear apart your car. You are either a rich white person or ignorant.

Well you know what they say, Rome was built in a day.

Mohammedans have been using violence to convert people to Mohammedanism since the original Mohammed raided caravans and had sex with children. Atheists have the death sentence in Mohammedan countries, so as far as I'm concerned the U.S. can blow them all to bits with drones.

The "Take a bad guy to a rival gang's territory to get him to talk" was done better in The Shield, when Vic Macky asked what the rival gang member what his mother is putting in the corn muffins to make his sister's ass taste so good.

"Bronn walked out of his cell, and out if his life forever" man that line really got me. I hope he will return as Lord Stokeworth in some capacity.

What luck! There is a french fry stuck in your beard!

Yeah they should have got him some big ass World of Warcraft style paldrons that have skulls on them.

When Ser Jamie and Tyrion walked into the throne room and someone yelled "kingslayer!" Ser Jaime thought they were talking to him.

"You just brought piss to a shit fight" Damn when they need someone to smack around a child they brought out the best, T. J Miller no one can top him when it comes to smacking around kids.

If you have any wits about you, you will finish reading the books before you get on the internet again.