
HBO confirms that the White Walker at the end of the episode was The Night's King

It just sounds like a double negative situation

Is a faux-mockumentary a real documentary?

It's like that episode of Always Sunny where Charlie and Dee ate the human meat and developed an intense hunger for human flesh.

I loved all the references to The Rock, one of the greatest movies ever made.

The A.V. Club

Those people are fools and deserved to be mocked, rightly so they should be shamed until they are no longer able to show their face in high society again.

I just think it's great that Jaime isn't letting his injury hold him back.

Yeah, but they call it Wheels, Ontario

That royal stinkbox would be a feast. A consensual feast, I'm not Jaime Lannister. Also, A Consensual Feast was the original title for A Feast For Crows.

I guess It would depend on the size of the dongs, I mean I'm not gonna shell out big bucks to see a 4 inch dong pound some cornhole, I see a 4 inch dong every time I take a piss.

Don't worry, when the Muslims rise up and kill all the progressives, we will be back to the stone age again in no time.

What is amazing is how delicious they still manage to be.

Well it's not like she's wearing a helmet shaped like a dog's head.

The man is clearly a cornhole connoisseur, a feaster of keister, a fartbox fanatic. He could give a 30 minute Hannibal lecture on the tart and tangy delicacy, describe the various hints and subtle flavors and give a brief history of the fartbox in question. I mean the man is clearly well educated about anything that

I bet that primo stinkbox has hints of honey and ginger underneath the tart and tangy surface.

That fat chick from the show about the fat cop and his fat wife.

Downvoted for use of "SWAG"

It's actually a show about two private detectives that live on the beach.

This reminds me of beachdicks, finding a severed penis washed up on the shore while walking along the beach. It usually happens once or twice in someone's life if they go to the beach a lot.