
Why ya gotta bash me like a rat Frank?

I'm not saying there is a group of powerful people in Hollywood involved in conspiracy to buttfuck kids, but when people said the same thing about the Catholic Chruch they were dismissed as crazy until the truth came out.

it would be better if it was a metaphorical sandbox, as in an MMO where the players create the content with open world pvp and housing, as opposed to the theme park concept for MMOs which has been the mainstream design since WoW.

I'd pay the subscription for a game if there was a way to do it without a credit card, like gametime cards. Paying a monthly fee is so they can keep a staff that updates the game and keeps it working, as opposed to having players buy stuff in the game with microtransactions which is the best way to make sure a game

Any MMO where you don't lose everything you are carrying on you when you are killed by another player will never live up to Ultima Online. No other game has raised my blood pressure and made me feel paranoid every time I left the safety of town, and almost freeze up from panic when being attacked by another player.

See, if it was a woman farting, then I'd be interested.

Holy shit that Foodroom sketch was funny as fuck. I didn't feel as uncomfortable as I did last week, and great comedy should always make people uncomfortable in some way.

If that team from Ciminal Minds was brought in by the Hannibal FBI, they would have this shit wrapped up in a week.

Hannibal doesn't really flow as part of a three names type deal, you need two syllables max in each name. Also the "H" sound that it starts with is kind of soft, you need a J, and preferably three names that are all first names.

We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese

To me, the most implausible part of the series is that there is a community of upper-crust psychiatrists that live in Baltimore. Not only that, but they are all serious people and not one of them is a Fraiser Crane-like madcap goofball by comparison.

What's your real name? I don't speak squiggly.

It would be cheaper for the cartel to just kill them and hire new goons

The whole Irish cops thing was hilarious, I was thinking of The Wire when they play Body of an American at the funeral.

Well, it was either die in a shootout with federal agents, or get tortured to death by their boss. At least this way Crom will not cast them out of Valhallah and laugh at them.

Getting caught with a bunch of weed might make you a criminal, but it don't make you an outlaw.

Outlaw Country died with Waylon Jennings and a mountain of cocaine.

You're an anti-Thennite! A rabid anti-Thennite!

I'd trade 30 seconds of boobs for half a second of Cersei's royal fartbox.

Next you'll be saying they should have their own schools