Dookiestain LaFlair

I wish, that would have been the funniest molestation ever.

Did I ever tell anyone here the story of how Josh Gad was my group leader at debate camp? I did? A bunch of times?

Robert Baratheon took the throne by right of conquest, The Targaryens have no claim.

He doesn't want the throne and has said as much. He is bound by law to take the throne and is doing is duty.

Yeah I want to see an episode where Raylan goes into the office, does some paperwork for 20 minutes, drinks some coffee, goes back to doing paperwork, goes to the bathroom, and then goes back to doing paperwork. The season finale is Raylan going to the shooting range.

Yeah, but putting someone in a blood choke will make them pass out in like 10 seconds. Have you ever had someone hold a pillow over your face to see if they could kill you, just for shits and gigs? I have and you can totally breathe though it if you are young and healthy.

Don't let the guy that reviews Supernatural see that or you will get a five paragraph response about how that is a sexist endorsement of violence against women with degrading phallic imagery.

Brody killing that guy was totally a TV suffocation, the guy put up hardly any resistance. Sure he got glassed in the dome piece, but even then it should have taken longer to kill him. It's like how cars start almost instantly on tv, it's the same with suffocating people.

Rick Ross used to be a Correctional Officer, and Jay-Z supports racial profiling at places that sell his shit. I can't take either of them seriously.

I said no strip clubs!

How does a woman cream?

I hope someone says that in the Highlander reboot

It's tough to mourn for millionaire movie stars you've never met before, but this guy seemed like a good dude who was only in the news for going good things.

Just a shitty thing to happen

Yeah, A.

I think they were talking about a different kinda taco

A+ for the ex porn hottie

Tammy was not a bird woman with jagged teeth and a ravenous hunger for human flesh, so she was not a literal harpy.

I didn't really see it as a false homecoming. He went from being shot twice and staggering away to sitting on a train. Buying a ticket across a river would have been a bit too on the nose, but the train serves the same purpose. Also it reminds me of the Phantom Train from Final Fantasy VI.

That's probably right but i don't agree with it.Oh well at least he didn't miss completely. It just feels like the writers didn't know what to do with him or couldn't figure out what to do. Send him to Chicago to run a crew with Van Alden, they could sit around and not talk to each other.