
Honestly, Matt, I'm not sure if the many flavors of fucked up are so endemic to the NFL that the "bad" people can be replaced without dismantling the league, or making such radical changes that it would turn into something fans don't recognize.


uh, Erin, sometimes they wear pink gloves for breast cancer awareness so who's the REAL lady-hater, huh.

I don't really care about football, but I also don't really care about women. Is there some way I can use these two facts to make myself feel morally superior to everyone else without really accomplishing anything?

I'll admit I never thought Dumbledore was gay, but then again I never considered the sexuality/relationship status of any of the characters unless a relationship was mentioned.

Oh? A Polish Jew did it?

Anti-choicers come to my university every year to protest and yell horrid things at people just trying to go to class. One year, they put out a comment board, and my friend, who had no patience left to give, just left a metal coat hanger hanging on it.

I had to deal with some of these fuckers when they came to my campus on Wednesday, showing off pictures of dead fetuses. They screamed at me, and came uncomfortably close. They also told me my parent's interracial and interfaith marriage was going to go to hell. And that I dishonored them for being gay. So I made a

Wasn't the argument to get rid of the buffer zones the fact that they needed to have civilized and polite conversation with women entering planned parenthood? That's a lovely example of civilized right there...

"But seriously, maybe we should make a list of things Jennifer Lawrence is good at:"

I don't want Beyoncé to be friends with Blake Lively.

How hilarious (and gross) would it be if the cops were all making a big to do over some girl's really clumpy period blood?

According to Alan Elliot of Baby Moses Dallas, the way to prevent miscarriage is simply by carrying the child to term.

"Possible fetus."

Translated: We're not even sure it's a fetus, but we're sure it's more important than an (almost) adult human woman.


"possible fetus"


So it's her fault that she miscarried in a toilet. Oh, I see. If only she could have controlled her womb to prevent the expulsion of this child!

This is getting scary that you can be charged/prosecuted for having a miscarriage. If your body doesn't cooperate like it *should* and carry the fetus to term, be prepared to suffer consequences. As if you can even prevent a miscarriage or that a teenager would know what to do in that situation.

How the shit can you "abandon" a miscarriage?