
I was going to say "Oh hey, a Republican who isn't a reactionary asshole, that's a nice surprise!".

A little digging says Lister was an asshole professionally: a boxer, a sportswriter, a Fox sports guy. He also died in '93 of a brain tumor. He's dead; you're alive; you win.

Dialectic is at base a dynamic in which one principal, ideal or material, is confronted with another principle and the result is a modification of the original principle, and the process can continue until this author has reached truth or history has reached its fucking end, like Hegel wanted it, but also like Russia

I think Russian Gov doesn't mind letting a few million unnecessarily starve just to drive home a point. Heck they've done it in recent history

So here's a bit of anecdotal evidence of Russia's idiocy from my recent trip to Belgrade, where I stumbled upon a bunch of Russian tourists and we got chatting. I was walking in the park with my newborn and was approached by a couple who had strayed from their group and also had a little baby with them. Straight away

Imagine being someone who came home from WWII in the US v Russia. Your life trajectory, living experience, likelihood of famine (esp in Ukraine) and likelihood of random political imprisonment is so wildly different.

Here's the thing: Child birth is way more dangerous than an abortion. But are these people trying to pass laws to make child birth illegal outside of clinics constructed, outfitted and staffed to specific, rigorous specifications? No. In fact, a woman can pretty much give birth anywhere she wants and get professional

Good news? From Texas?

This will sound very cynical, but I bet they thought he would plead out. Going to trial is expensive, so folks plead just to stay out of bankruptcy. Under that situation prosecutors will push cases that have no real shot of conviction since they never expect to be in front of a jury.

Patrick, I think your opening line is a bit off. The jury found Barajas did NOT kill Banda. If they had found he had, he could have been convicted of anything ranging from manslaughter to the capital murder he was charged with.

Additionally, they found *fragments* of *a* bullet they think *might* be a .357 Magnum, but

I believe he objects to the fucking.

Christmas-time fruit...he means fruitcake. I'm pretty sure glace cherries are the mark of the Beast. Which means...

Uh he does know that Christmas was originally just a co-opted pagan holiday intended to lure people into converting yes?

"Who knows what "Happy Holidays" even means??"

NO. I would really like to know who these people are now, so I know who I shouldn't vote for. Who's with me?

I want to know who these senators are. We as voters deserve to know who these assholes are, in order to not vote for them anymore.

I seem really sexist when I say this to certain people.

I want to make a snarky, sarcastic (snarkastic) remark re: Khlench Montashian, but I like her so much that really all I want is for her to find a nice, stable, good relationship.

Fuck Justin Bieber, seriously. I mean, it sucks that he got rear-ended by a pap, but dear god. Have some respect for once.