
I would find it somewhat odd that juries feel the need to explain their verdict, if it wasn't for the fucked up interpretations of the verdict I have heard since moving to the Detroit area. While discussing the Ferguson case a new colleague told me straight-faced that they thought Wafer was found guilty because the


So he's a racist, sexist, islamaphobic, homophobic Walter Mitty? Exaaaactly the type of person we need on a police force.

Well, according to the chief, this dipshit has never been involved in shooting or killing anyone. So he's just flat lying and trying to sound like a badass when he talks about "killing a lot." Either that or he has a pile of bodies in his garage, who knows.

Not the handholding! Next thing you know, there will be dancing, I tell ya, dancing!

He shot himself in the back without a gun! No wait, he shot himself in the chest without a gun, while his hands were cuffed behind his back! But no, he had a third arm we just didn't know what to do with because there are only two cuffs! No wait, he stole an officer's gun and held a white child hostage! Actually, he

WFT i am in the UK and even far right-wing sites are disgusted by what has happened (the same with happened with Trayvon and there were even protests outside the US Embassy when George Zimmerman was found not guilty), here in the UK we have our problems (do not get me started) but it makes me sick that so many people

Jesus Christ.

I just feel like this whole country is trolling me now. Unarmed black men beaten and killed in the streets and hundreds of racists donate money to the white cop perpetrator while also posting insanely racist messages, meanwhile white folks carry around assault rifles while they're shopping at WalMart completely

Someone was saying earlier how cops are normal citizens. A normal citizen would be charged already.
It has got so completely out of hand, if there are good cops, let's help them by getting rid of the bad ones.

Meanwhile, Facebook just informed me that more money has now been raised in Darren Wilson's name than in Michael Brown's.

If it's ruled a homocide, charge the officer who did it already. Quit trying to save face. It's not gonna work.

Like a houseguest. Marvelous at first and full of possibilities, but if left unsupervised for too long, they can be a real pain.

Good thing I was talking about Chris Herries and not Malik Gil

Public servant. Public information. It would be no different if he had simply identified himself, as all officers are mandated to do upon civil request. He is accountable for his actions.

Its actually Ray Albers, apparently:

news of the day Mr Mariah Carey is a comic. But then I still thimk she wanted to adopt him instead of marrying him.

I wonder if the album will be called 'The Conscious Uncoupling of the Elusive Chanteuse in the House of the Ethereal Butterflies'?

Nick Cannon strikes me as an unbelievable douche. In fact, I thought he and Mariah Carey were the douchiest couple imaginable until Kim and Kanye had their pre-divorce ceremony.

Maybe I'm just a little on edge about this shit lately, but it seems kind of telling to me that if you get involved in the American Prison Industrial Complex and you're white, you get a million dollar publishing deal at the end of it. As opposed to if you're black, in which case you get dead.