
In related-ish news, there was a page on Facebook entitled "Men & Women Against Infidelity/ "WarMachine" Supporters." It had barely over 100 likes when I reported it.
Initially I got an email from Facebook stating that they would not remove this page because it didn't violate their community standards, but apparently

"War Machine stated: "that's my pussy and I'm going to take it back now."

Well, I don't know Chuck Zito, but if he said that then fuck Chuck Zito.

Thanks Tracie, I'm really looking forward to seeing that later today!

That seems...needlessly aggressive. :/

Give Tara all the art awards.

I totally hate-watched The Today Show this morning but this segment had me floored. As I said on Twitter, if only all their segments were as good as this. I bawled the moment she broke down trying to do a bumper for this piece. Really, really great stuff here.

You'll find that the people doing the oppressing always want to start the narrative at a convenient part, or always want to start the story in the middle.

Monogamy is a perfectly acceptable lifestyle if both partners agree to it. Reneging on an agreement like that without telling your partner should be considered shameful.

professor of sport, masculinities, and sexualities

Woman Republicans are almost as strange to me as gay Republicans these days. Show me a black lesbian Republican and my head might actually explode.

"Son of a nigger loving atheist bitch" BOOM HAT TRICK.

I was rear ended at a stop light by a dude going 40 miles an hour. He totaled my car. I got out and exchanged insurance information with him. I didn't go on a racist tirade & threaten to kill him because I am not, in fact, clinically insane.

when is it okay to threaten to kill someone's children? If this had been a black dude threatening a white suburban housewife do you think you would be making excuses for him right now?

I can't help but lol at her for calling him both an Atheist and a Muslim in the same breath.

i wonder if she can see Mecca from her kitchen window ????

That's not what I said at all. I said that having money objectively makes many aspects of life easier, and to pretend otherwise is insulting to people struggling with boredom/loneliness on top of not having a house.

[W]hy hold back on the name of the man responsible for all of this unrest? Stories of death threats while police are arresting people like French for "not listening" and reporters like the Washington Post's Wesley Lowery for having a camera in a McDonald's or firing tear gas into people's neighborhoods is not reason

Good on you for writing it up this way. The name needs to come out, but it needs to be the correct name.