
That’s absolutely hilarious that you think that’s “my logic”. It shows exactly how you’ve created this internal “us vs them” narrative where you’re the good guy. That’s why you push for hiring quotas, because you don’t care about equality, you just care about having something to push against.

I can’t wait for the day when people can have an opinion like this and not be forced to apologize.

I mean, men and women do have very different brains. They also do tend to think very differently. I don’t how that relates to directing movies, because I’m not a director. I don’t see anything wrong with his comment though. It’s not like he said women are inferior or less intelligent. He didn’t even say no. He said it

It’s so sad he caved in like that to the SJW bullies and toolboxes who succeeded in bullying him into doing so. I’ve lost so much respect for them for apologizing for this bullshit, and I may not even buy Ni No Kuni 2 because of it.

Don’t see any reason to apologize. Men and women ARE different. Nothing to do with discrimination. Just common sense.