
How about it was made to highlight social justice ideology forcing its way into gaming by creating a convincing poe? Do you honestly believe it wouldn’t have garnered derision if it was a man? Just stop with the women are victims narrative.

As cult-like and hypocritical The Root is, along with its commenters, I have to at least give them credit for allowing a comments section. Most far lefty sites simply refuse to allow any interaction, lest there be any wrongthink. Its amazing to me that if someone The Root doesn’t like invokes a universally understood

Huh? Did you read his memo? In the first freaking sentence, the guy said he is for diversity. He didn’t say anything was “fixed” by biology, just influenced by it. To deny that, is to deny reality. Most of what Damore said is factually true, there is a debate on how much biology affects the behavior of men and women

Look at all the weasel words this author uses! They may have taken shots. It’s seems this. It could do this. They might have itchy trigger fingers. Except they didn’t because nobody was shot by them. This is part of the reason I’ve moved away from the left.

So I’m a white guy walking down the street, four black guys see me and say “lets get that cracka honkey white boy piece of shit!”. They chase me down, curb stomp me, and than shoot me in the head. Thats not power? Thats not racism? NONSENSE. This ridiculous get out jail free card of power plus privilege plus prejudice