::checks on how democracy works::
::checks on how politics works::
::checks on how democracy works::
::checks on how politics works::
The billionaire reeks of failure. Okay. What a retarded response.
tears of joy maybe.
Expect a PM from me when he becomes president. I wanna watch you cry.
They hate him because it’s the cool thing to do and he’s not a PC pussy like the rest of the country. Plus being rich = bad in this country.
Bless your little hearts. Trump is the next president. Get over it.
Someone stole my idea. I had this idea in high school! Now I know how Kramer feels.
Hey, dummy. Stop sharing this shit to Kotaku: The Gamer’s Guide.
I thought it was funny.
So when is this getting dubbed?
Remember when expansion packs were like this? Where it would add a bunch of stuff and it wasn’t as expensive as the core game? This development company is great.
God. These developers are a God send. Sim City would NEVER do anything like this.
Oh. I’ll allow it.
But modifying a weapon like that is illegal? Should we make it MORE illegal?
Well you can’t get military assault weapons as a civilian so :)
Refute one of those replies.
I mean yeah. A lot of rappers like talking about rape, and a lot of them practice it as well.
Oh my God that obviously rehearsed secret handshake thing she tried to do (and failed at) at the beginning of the video made me cringe out of my seat.
Well you’re an idiot if you thought that :/
They don’t need to do anything. They just need to quit ripping the band-aid off.