That seems to be a plague of anime fighting games now. Very lazy.
That seems to be a plague of anime fighting games now. Very lazy.
This is what a character roster should look like. Now, I don’t watch the show, so I can’t tell. Does this roster consist of like 10 versions of the same character? Like in the later DBZ games, Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan 2 Goku, and regular Goku are all different characters when they should all just be…
I hate these “reaction” videos where the people know they’re being recorded and try to put on a show. It’s always so cringey.
Macklemore is gonna keep doing this shit because you all went nuts over how progressive his “when I was in the first grade, I thought I was gay” song was. He knows that he can just make “progressive” songs that don’t necessarily have to be good and people will keep giving him rewards and money. So you made this.
Amy Schumer’s comedy drives people to start shooting the theaters they are in while watching her movies.
I love how we are the new Australia when it comes to video game censorship.
How fucking stupid. Won’t be watching. They can get away with this crap in movies (Bourne Legacy) but this will be canceled before the first season is over.
Don’t be a faggot
“I don’t like Trump because he’s a bigot. I want him to die because he thinks differently than me.”
What is your definition of a good actor?
lmao really? I haven’t been following in the past few years. What an embarrassment.
Ugh can this game just die already? I want a new MMO set place between Jedi and The Force Awakens, and I’m sorry but I basically want it to be SWG 2. I want PreCU’s class system and the content and combat of the NGE. Of course with 2016 graphics and planet sizes.
It’s so frustrating because I know it will never happen,…
Well this was an “I want everyone to know” post if I’ve ever seen one.
I’ll allow it.
My school’s computer system is called ISIS.
“At some point it’s not appropriate for even a show like Archer to have much fun with it.”
Oh shut up.
Oh shut up.
It’s a good point.