how many of these assholes know the cop that pulled the trigger is black? how many times is that mentioned?
Trust me, I still don’t like EX cards and that’s how my friends and I play as well. But it’s definitely ridiculous that an old deck of mine (about 12 years old when the newest cards were the Gym Challenge sets) that won multiple tournaments would get completely wasted now because of how ridiculous cards have gotten.…
This game was basically ruined by EX cards and other OP nonsense. This just looks like them finally acknowledging that.
I believe he’s saying that all code is lifted from somewhere else and that’s why it’s hard to claim ownership, not because of the tools people used. This is not comparable to visual arts because often in VA content is created from scratch a good majority of the time, and thievery is easily identifiable. Coding is a…
I’m sure the 8 people that are still playing this game love the new dlc
false. there are more countries out there fooled by this cult.
I’m guessing you have no friends or family members in military service?
No, how do you sleep at night. You just insulted one of America’s finest, the people that protect your sorry behind. I have respect for this man, willing to do a job someone like you wouldn’t. You disrespect the military, just get out now buddy, because they won’t want you either. You disgust me.
You sir, are an ASSHOLE! He served his country with honor. Guess what Libtard? People die in war? i know that’s hard for you to wrap your tiny brain around. Please stop vomiting your idiotic spew in this forum, and go back to mumbling and drooling in the alleyway where you live.
“I came to work [the next day] and people wouldn’t look at me in the eye,”
I had fun, but I’m still holding out hope for a “realistic” mode with just the bolt action rifles, and machine guns that have to be deployed before use.
Right, because I’ve never seen a television show with strong language or controversial subject matter.
In the worst case, he’ll be turned into candy.
At least they didn’t name the episode like Dragonball does: “Ash loses!”
There’s enough fiction out there telling kids (and adults, frankly) how amazing they are and how inevitable it is that they will achieve their goals. Sometimes they hammer home that it will take a lot of hard work, and that’s definitely a really good message. But one message you never see is: it’s possible you will…
Hey he won season 2! I sadly have no knowledge of past when they changed voice actors however as i was too salty to continue
You guys STILL haven’t had one article about Planet Coaster. Guys... Frontier is making an absolutely amazing game, don’t ignore it!!