
And you don’t see a problem with that? These are some people’s lively hood. What if Kotaku decided that you can still write for them, but they just won’t pay you? Of course they have the right to do that, and you have the right to not write for Kotaku anymore, but you’re still out of a job, and Kotaku doesn’t have a

Look. I don’t usually agree with you whiny liberal pussies, but this chick is insufferable.


Why isn’t that a valid response? If they were actually racist, why would they have a black roommate/friend?

Oh look. Black people being violent.

Here’s another one. You’re a Donald Trump obsessed cunt.

His job isn’t really needed when they just shoot their animals tbh.

Cincinnati Zoo is getting heated.

If she was kidnapped she wasn’t very Smart now was she?

Good news is that Gawker is here to humiliate him further! Why are you getting shut down again?

Forgive my ignorance. What is Will to Win?

Well to be fair, the original Dragon Ball ended with Goku winning his first tournament after losing all the other ones in the series, which is what I think they’re gonna do here. But of course it went on to DBZ afterwards and still have plenty of years of good television, even when the characters, you know, aged and

Lol same.

That’s rough. Though I do think the series is going to end with him winning one day. I think it’d be pretty cool if he went back to Kanto and won that Pokemon League in the last season (or has he already tried that? I haven’t watched since Johto.)



I don’t know if being a filthy whore is a “healthy sex life.” Cheers tho.

Oh well since you say I didn’t get to you it must be true.

Stop responding, and I might not think I got to you.

Oh just accept that you got got and move on. You’re embarrassing yourself now.