
Because Trump fans have known he had the nomination since the day he announced his candidacy.

Hahahahaha so edgy and funny! Notice how this guy (a gentleman of the “wrong color” according to you) walked away from the whole thing unscathed after taking something called “personal responsibility” and “not attacking the police officer.”

Your claim that violent video games affects young kids in a negative way:

“Does anyone here think that young children playing violent games with murder and death being rewarded is absolutely without ramification?”

I can see now that you’re going to attempt to say that this was an honest non-rhetorical question in an

LOL what’s wrong with my sentence structure? That was out of left field if I’ve even seen it. Holy shit. You are asking me to prove that everyone on Kotaku is mentally stable. You know that isn’t possible. Asking for impossible data is not proving your point, it is just making you look stupid.

Millions of people watch

You are self diagnosing your condition by typing what you’re typing. Every post you make further proves my point. The best part about it is that you probably actually do have it, and you are pissed that I’m right. You’ve spent your whole life hearing that it doesn’t matter, but here a stranger on the internet could

Just saying I can tell you have Autism. You’ve turned this conversation cringe worthy, something autistic people excel at. Good job.

I love that they still use the rubber suit, but it looks really goofy.

I know you guys think this is going to be the thing that finally stops Trump, but did this really need two identical articles about the matter?

You’re being extremely autistic.

You’re the one saying there is something wrong with us. Burden of proof is on you.

“Does anyone here think that young children playing violent games with murder and death being rewarded is absolutely without ramification?”

That’s exactly what we think. Most of us here did exactly that and turned out perfectly fine.

I love how these types of claims are always backed up with claims of “scientific consensus” without and actual use of the scientific method. You can’t just say something and say “science backs me up” and have it automatically become true.

I like that idiot with the giant wood plank. You did well sir. You did well.

How long does a Pokemon stay in one area? It doesn’t seem to be long enough for something like this. So if I see there’s a diglett I want on the other side of town, would it realistically still be there by the time I made it over there?

I think a game where you kill the next president might be a bit much.

I heard some “hacker group” of little homos have been DDOSing Pokemon servers as well.

Came to the comments just for the edgy “if it was a black bear they would have shot it” comment. Proud of being so predictable?

That’s what people in the industry call “ideas guys.” They really think that having ideas for a game is a job, and that they need to be compensated for it.

It’s not murky at all. Bethesda owns the rights to the game. You have no more rights to your mod than a fan fiction writer has to his story. You are working with someone else’s intellectual property.

Lol. You don’t have rights as a game modder. You get to mod the game you love, and maybe put it on your portfolio if you’re trying to get a job in the industry. The original developers have no obligation to make you e-famous.