This feels like the escape the room equivalent of the Zelda CD-i games
This feels like the escape the room equivalent of the Zelda CD-i games
K... So, personally, I don’t support trump. I’m also gonna specify I’m a Jewish Homosexual Canadian, so like, his views REALLY don’t fly in my favor.
What bothers me too is using these peoples logic, they are judging a female (2B) based on her clothing rather then her as a person, they narrow her down to her sexuality, ultimately objectifying her, however the hypocrisy is lost on them.
No Crimson Skies?? I thought it was a pretty iconic game for the Xbox console.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butchers Bay, was great. It came late in the console life and the graphics were top notch and the gameplay was unique and great.
Oi... Never seen this chick before. Just tried watching on of her earlier videos (the damsels in distress series) at first I was like, “Alright! Maybe this will be interesting. She’s even pulling historical examples to highlight the tropes origins” and I linked it to my girlfriend because I thought it might be an…
No, the fault is on the person attempting to subject others to their own perceptions of what they think a medium should be despite having had about a glass of water to do with the ocean that is available.
I would disagree with Stephen Totilo about Anita Sarkeesian being “just a critic”. She is an activist trying to push her (extremist) feminist views as the standard for an ideal society. Some developers change stuff in their games to avoid the backlash feminists will surely (and actually have) raise to Label the game…
Except they are pressured by many different groups to censor. Groups that don’t think and are easily manipulated. You know, the SJW that don’t actually believe anything they’re screaming about or understand what they’re screaming about but still act fanatical about it and spread the screaming on social media like a…
Don’t worry about it honestly. We stopped listening to her some time ago. Most developers have. I’m quick to dismiss her series whenever our narrative or designs come up. In the beginning it seemed like she might do some good, but her own series contradicts itself and has too many arguments to be made for her complete…
Conviction? More like they fear their game will be trashed by places like Kotaku for being “Sexist”, and that they’ll have hit pieces put out against them for no reason other than someone decided to be offended for no reason.
Her dismissal of BSI as having a trash story where the oppressed are just as bad as the oppressors... just made me facepalm.
I’m sorry but this newest video is so stupid. Elizabeth in Bioshock infinite? Really?
You know she doesn’t even play games right?
Same. She generally had some good points, and I didn’t ever vehemently disagree or whole-heartedly agree with her, but she fell really, REALLY hard into the confirmation bias trap.
It’s funny, while I don’t disagree with her, I always had problems with her examples. They tended to show a surface level understanding of the games she was critiquing.
I saw Ellie and thought, “Hey cool maybe she will end the last one focusing on possitve portrayls of women in games.” Nope! No one is safe.
Took her 5 years and $160,000 (not including any donations received after Kickstarter) to deliver what amounts to 16 critiques of Lets Play footage of video games on YouTube.
How the fuck do you arraign a 10 year old kid with Autism who was clearly having an episode when he “attacked” the school employee. There is no mens rea. (mental condition to to commit a crime) The prosecutor and judge should be strung up by a yard arm until they are no longer kicking for this abortion of justice. In…
Adult male working the special needs students files charges against a 10 yr old.... I think that teacher needs to lose his job