Great list, especially with the JRPGs. I’d add FF4, Harvest Moon, and Breath of Fire 2. ETA: AND SUPER MARIO RPG.
Great list, especially with the JRPGs. I’d add FF4, Harvest Moon, and Breath of Fire 2. ETA: AND SUPER MARIO RPG.
1) You may be an adult in real life, but you’re a teenager convicted of a crime in the game.
Then I attack the darkness!
I feel like this article (which I admit I only read because it seemed funny and was linked on lifehacker) is kind of taking apart the stereotype of “locker room talk” and sort of laying out what actually gets done in men’s locker rooms (awkward changing) and what notably doesn’t (sexual objectification or otherwise…
Rogue Trooper was a comic character from 2000AD a long time before Rebellion (publisher of 2000AD) made a game out of him. Watchman and Rogue trooper were also created by the same artist, Dave Gibbons.
I’m going to repeat something a commenter told me years ago that I liked so much I never forgot it: Thank you for being awesome all over this thread.
Not many jobs require one to put on an act for 8 hours straight without even a bathroom break.
Yeah, it’s pretty close to a general office schedule, but that’s a superficial view. Ask office workers how much of a 8-hour workday is actually spent “working” and you’ll get an ocean of variety. Here is what stood out to me about his schedule:
13Y, you royally fucked up. There is no coming back from a breach of trust so horrific. You are pariah forever, even if he’s fool enough to forgive you. That’s how it is and why you don’t do it. If you don’t like it, there is no option but to leave. Unless, of course, you can somehow get your husband to sleep with…
No matter what the reasons are, cheating is unforgivable as far as I’m concerned. He should have tossed her to the side and beat the shit out of his supposed ‘best friend’.
In the third year of my marriage to my husband, I slept with his best friend.
That’s kinda what I think. I can’t imagine how any self respecting person would stick with someone who cheated with someones “best friend”, but this guy did. His resentment is probably equal parts on the wife, equal parts on him for not just getting out then. Now that they have a kid, that resentment is just going…
The woman who wrote the first letter is the worst kind of person earth.
Well this is easy...the cheating wife should jump into traffic. Shame on the husband for staying. Once a cheat, always a cheat. Congrats, you are a piece of shit terrible wife, fatty pants. :D
Uh... There’s nothing wrong with NIN’s Hurt.
Yeah, okay. Before any gaijin start wtf’ing about why something “weird” is popular in Japan, remember that America elected Donald Trump as president.
Top painting: I completely disagree. The bottom of the painting is very obviously (in my opinion) the focus of the painting. The insanely steep landscape is like a void, pulling your eyes to the bottom of the piece, and giving the viewer a real sense of vertigo that you’d get from actually being there. I thought it…