Holy cow, even Manly Guys Doing Manly Things has a comic strip I can actually understand!
Today is a good Sunday!
I think people are just wondering why some guy doing a 10 minute find and replace in a hex editor so he pontificate about non-binary genders is getting an article on Kotaku.
Name one aspect of the gameplay that becomes different if Link isn’t a boy.
Except the creators made it a boy, end of story. I mean, if you want to go ahead and make your own game featuring a girl then more power to you. I just don’t understand why Link is always a focus for this sort of thing.
I will never understand the Link gender issue. The character is a boy, accept it and move on. The lengths people go to pretend otherwise is weird.
Ok I’m a man and here is my list of favorite games: -Zelda, Mario, perfect dark, metroid, beyond good and evil. At no point in my life, I ever thought that I would like to change the protagonist of a game because it was a female. I seriously think that the only problem here are the people who get so worked up over…
No one said anything about not being nice to children.
Yup. I agree, create more female heroes but retroactively changing a piece of art that isn’t yours just teaches a child that the world should be changed to suit them all the time, which sets a *really* dangerous precedence.
If you email a website with something you did, it wasn’t to be considerate, it was for attention. That’s how this one looks anyway.
Not trying to be mean but why? Link is a character with a definite background, other wise he wouldn’t be referred to as son. Why not let your daughter enjoy the game the way it was meant to be played.
its the same as taking a paint brush and walking up to mona lisa and deciding mona lisa needs a mustache and a brow piercing, its just desecrating someone’s work of art.
I honestly don’t see the point in exercises like this. Not every story has to be tailored to fit the player.
Cool, but, why?
This guy is a class act. Admitting mistakes, providing real answers and encouraging refunds. If only AAA developers worked this way. Can you imagine if EA pulled the latest Sim City because it was broken and encouraged refunds?
Seriously Cawthon gets all of my praise for this.
Dang... how much money is Cawthorne making on the FNAF franchise that he can justify giving potentially months more time to refine this game, then also give it away for free at the end? I’m happy to see his dedication to his fans, though I do hope he doesn’t put himself (and his family) in any financial strain with…
You said it well enough yourself, fan of the series or not, Cawthon is a very human developer who at least gives a shit.
it’s better