I don’t watch soccer much... but this is the result of everyone diving when they aren’t even fucking touched and rolling around on the ground like a 2 year old
I don’t watch soccer much... but this is the result of everyone diving when they aren’t even fucking touched and rolling around on the ground like a 2 year old
The thing is her coach admitted to coaching her after the game. So she lied about it and went on a rant about never cheating.
He’s rich - they don’t have bathrooms like us normal people. The bathroom is probably as big as my ground floor so it could easily have a camera and not cover the toilet / shower area.
I hope you didn’t eat that thing - it’s not cooked in the middle
This is near where I live - the woman is a constant problem in the area for not just the store but people as well. She was banned from the store due to past issues - this isn’t some random person who wasn’t allowed to use the bathroom
Not really sure why you hate this idea - NASA has been asking to do this for years as part of a mars base. There is always going to be other stuff going on in the world. If you don’t want to go to space them at least argue to get rid of NASA altogether since it costs about 18 billion a year (under Obama) and spend…
No idea if they are guilty or just suckers but I’d be more pissed that they let other people in custody who were involved leave under a diplomatic deal. I’d be arguing there is no way I could get a fair trial when you let others leave - in essence the government threw evidence away that was relevant and that the whole…
This law is written the way it is for an important reason. The burqa is the distraction. Both the left (for women’s rights) and the right (damn muslims) have fallen for it.
“And when I say “white people,” I mean all white people”.
I’m a paramedic and I’m going to say this - It’s not our job (as health care workers) to stop the police from doing stuff. I advise them all the time why I think something is a bad idea for them to do but at the end of the day they are the police not me. I write it up and advise my supervisor.
Is it really what happens when you cram lots of people into small spaces? Look at a train in a 3rd world country like India - doesn’t happen there. It’s more a culture attitude.
Is it really what happens when you cram lots of people into small spaces? Look at a train in a 3rd world country like India - doesn’t happen there. It’s more a culture attitude.
I don’t care about the article but I did notice you implied the man was fat as a insult. If a man did this to a woman you’d be freaking out
I have no idea about the ratings but it is disingenuous of the author of this article to at least not mention there are multiple examples of her stealing jokes in this special from other comics.
While true the federal government doesn’t take 50% - All taxes in Canada (Provincial/ Federal/ Municipal) take about 42%
He sexually harasses his coworkers and a bunch of you think it’s funny?