Doofenschmirtz, Inc.

They’re minorities when their fucking uncle and grandfather are former US presidents and have never known anything else other than a life of wealth? Please.

The problem isn’t that people have more than that. The problem is that most people who assert minority status, can point to a specific family connection to justify themselves claiming that minority status.

I said if his KIDS with the Latina woman claimed minority status, dipshit.

Meanwhile, if Jeb Bush or the kids he has with his Latina wife were claiming to be a minorities on government job applications, you’d drool at the opportunity to roast him.

These people deserve to be mocked because their offense is not genuine.

Sorry, but for > $80K, it should either be a hybrid or come with deathray laser beams instead of “modes”. What the hell is a “mode” anyway? No matter what “mode” you’re in, you’re still the one driving the car at whatever speed you want and/or are legally allowed to without damaging people/objects in your path.

The fullest disclosure here would entail telling people where he drove it.

Fidelity found that the best performing investors had either forgotten about their accounts or even crazier—they were dead.

Choke on a dick, dipshit. The facts speak for themselves, and they’re not in your favor. I have nothing to apologize for, cunt.

You can’t get away from Amazon’s ecosystem. The link is always there. That’s how Amazon was able to erase content it considers “illegal” without the user’s permission. They didn’t just do this in 2009.

Fair enough. The rewards system is not built to give you rewards though. Under Dennis’s example, if you don’t spend anything after your $80 purchase, they’re not going to give you $82.40 in cash or deposit it into your regular bank account. $82.40 sits in your credit card account as a credit until you decide to use

I didn’t say that you are required to buy ebooks from Amazon. No matter where you are buying your ebooks from, you need Amazon to transfer the files to/from the device.

You don’t save $82.40 without already having that balance on your account. The whole points system is designed to get you spending more under the guise of “savings”.

Nothing. The people who design the points systems don’t count on customers being able to do basic arithmetic.

It’s not just psychology alone. As a former employee of a retail chain I’d rather not name, I can say that internal data shows that people’s drive for point accumulation makes them spend at least $75 or 30-40% more than people who are not part of the points program.

But you would be okay with it at 70 or 71? That’s how old she was when she launched the suit.

By never appearing with him in public.

It is out of the blue when a person you previously thought of as sane and level-headed insults you by bringing up such an accusation.

Except you are taking chances because you admit that parents can lie to you about having a gun.

He was “accepting” of everybody so long as they lived within a stone’s throw of the NYT offices in Manhattan.