
I drove for Uber for 6 months in a major market. I never saw the $30 they claim. Actual take home after expenses was closer to $12-$17/hr depending on when it was. Tipping was almost nonexistent.

How would you come up with a number of $30/hr? Well you would have to ignore all the expenses the driver incurs (taxes,

His advice: Get a federal permit to kill one of the vultures, then hang it in a tree or other spot where other vultures can see it for miles around.

You know, it is nuts. Everyone says “low profile tires are required for performance!” Well, not all performance cars have low profile tires. (admittedly, these tire profiles are mandated, but you can’t tell me that your Hyundai with 1" high sideways can outperform this vehicle with the fat sidewalls).

I’ve turned it off because even when it is right or close to right, it changes my flow of thought. Rather than just thinking out the sentences I’m typing, I’m thinking:

As a software engineer, I still have to manually enter the correct number of parenthesis and semicolons. If I make a variable called “timeNow” and then later refer to it as “timenow”, computer freaks out.

“The driver of the SUV was a 77-year-old man who thought the vehicle was in reverse, when he hit the accelerator and was in drive instead.”

If your show car is a 4 cylinder Grand Am, the kids weren’t getting an inheritance anyway.

I get what you’re saying, but I’m pretty sold on this engine tower concept I’ve got going.

Sweet a truck with a bed just big enough to hold my protein supplements and gallon jug of water!

Another thing us “millennials” (love how that’s Become a derogatory term) dislike about Harley’s: They’re fucking loud and obnoxious. I get it, I get it. “Gotta be loud so you can hear me coming!” Really? Because I can hear the crotch rocket coming up behind me just fine, and I don’t feel his exhaust note in my ball

You know how you feel about people wearing non-spooky costumes on Halloween? That’s how I feel about any adult wearing any costume on Halloween. We’re both stick-in-the-mud assholes. Learning to accept that is the first step to getting better.

The whole burnout u-turn preceding that on a public road without taking the time to make sure there was no one coming makes him a douchebag.

“I will own your bank account. I will own your house.”

I have 10,000 shares of F with an average cost basis of around $2. I could have cashed out a while back, but I believe the long term (15-20 years) will reward me handsomely with respect to overall value as well as dividends. I’m in for the long haul. They need another Alan Mulally.  

america works just like a car... you put it in (D) to go forward and (R) to go backwards...

Boy that would be a deal breaker for me on that expensive of a car even if I could afford it.


This woman is among us, just walking around not noticing shit.

Manufacturers: Compact pickup trucks don’t sell.